Timbered Thoughts | Weathered Veins of Gold



Kheneil Black hails from Jamaica, by way of the city of Oshawa, in Ontario, Canada. North of the border, he thrives in his multiple roles that he has chosen. Kheneil is a father, husband, brother, lover, fighter and poet. As a poet, he writes to express himself and connect with those who enjoy dabbling with the English language and written word. He is a cofounder of The 6ix Poets Society, a platform for connection and collaboration with other poets, writers and the people who love them.

The two poems that Kheneil shares in this issue create beautiful spaces of connection with self, emotional pain and healing, in communion with Nature through the soil and wind. The peaceful tone that these selections evoke express the poet’s motto that “the world is too small to make enemies.”

Timbered Thoughts

© 2023

I've caught myself lumberjacking my way through life at times.

Which forces me to split the bark of my reflection, 

Revealing planks of self-respect


with knots

of forgiveness.

AXing myself sharp questions—

You know the ones that

cut deep

into the marrow

Of the problem?

Counting my rings

That tell the tale of my lifetimes,

I garner nutrients from my roots.

Sharing the sap of lessons learned. 

My Saplings thirst for nothing. 

Sometimes, I think that might be a mistake. 

Sometimes, I find myself

stumped by life

and the beauty of its growth. 

Winding vines of promise

Encompassed meandering branches

Across whatever I saw in three directions.

Right, wrong,

And the infinite buds of gray foliage

Along a path unseen in the distance

I work this all out 

by chopping it up

with friends and family.

But if I'm being honest with myself, 

I'm no woodsman. 

Just a Black man in the woods

Seeing himself in the soil.

Weathered Veins of Gold

© 2024

I just couldn’t take THE SPINNING.

The gale forces of pain,

I can hide beneath a smile.

The littering debris of loneliness

Can be swept under a rug of laughter.

The blackened skies of prospects,

I can hide behind a good time.

But THE SPINNING … it places cracks in my already

shaken core.

My kintsugi heart has been through

so much.

I’m not sure if it can take

much more.

I can’t seem to glean a glimpse of the storm’s eye

for respite.

The hurricane stains of disdain …

married to the rain.

An unholy matrimony

fabricated in hell.

The gold lines begin to shine and break through the clouds.

Like a beacon, my once-damaged hopes 

Illuminate the way to a place I stopped searching for.

Weathervanes of epiphany point me in her direction.

As the pressures dropped and the systemic sadness subsided

The wreckage began to clear.

The sun began to shine,

And the warmth of her glow encompassed me.

I was once caught in the whirlwind

of despair.

…Until she rescued me …


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Old Age | Double Strand Helix